Friday isn't just for web sites
Friday's darn good at creating and maintaining FAQ sites but he's handy to have around the house for other things too.
- You can use Friday to maintain a list of stock answers for questions you receive via email, newsgroup or regular mail. Shift+Click the question in Friday, start a reply in your email program or word processor and paste in the answer that Friday's put on the clipboard for you.
- You could also use Friday to help your telephone or call-center staff answer common questions. Friday's web FAQ sites work equally well from a web server or directly from a hard drive on your network.
- You can use Friday to set up and update an online kiosk display, for example an electronic attendee message board at a convention or meeting. People can view messages and announcements in the web browser on one computer while you're keeping the list of messages updated from any other computer or computers on the LAN or on your web site.
- Things WE use Friday for:
- Keeping lists of interesting or useful web sites
- Keeping lists of stuff we want to have handy even when we're away from the office and don't have our own computer with us. With a Friday-made list on our web site, all we need is an internet connection and we can access our information.
- Storing useful computer code routines that we want to use in Friday and the other programs we develop. You could do the same with bits of handy HTML code, CSS tips, boilerplate text you frequently use or the like.
- Recording feature requests and ... yes, we admit it ... bugs in Friday and our other apps. That helps us stay organized and makes sure that the features get added and the bugs get fixed. Quickly.
If you come up with an interesting use for Friday, we'd love to hear about it, no matter how off-the-wall. Shoot us an email at
Filename: FAQ00047.htm
Last edited on 7/10/2003 5:38:05 PM
Naturally, all content & site maintenance by

Friday The Automatic FAQ Maker