A summary list of all placeholders

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Placeholders are simply special keywords with a : (colon) at the start and end of the word.
Placeholders are not case-sensitive.
You can use the following placeholders in your templates:

Placeholder Description Result
:question: The current question as it appears in the questions list The question
:question.s: The current question with user-defined placeholders removed The question
:answer: The answer to the current question The answer
:answerhtmlfile: The full name of the html file than contains the answer to current question FAQ00106.htm
:faqnumber: The number portion of the name of the answer file 00106
:faqfilename: The name of the answer file without extension FAQ00106
:nextanswer: The NEXT answer's html file FAQ00107.htm
:nextquestion: The question following the current one question, question.s
:previousanswer: The PREVIOUS answer's html file FAQ00123.htm
:previousquestion: The question previous to the current one What are Placeholders?
:firstanswer: The html file of the first answer in the FAQ FAQ00001.htm
:lastanswer: The html file of the last answer in the FAQ FAQKEFULLFAQ.htm
:currentpagenumber: The number of the current page (ie, question) 50
:totalpages: Total number of pages (ie, questions/answers) in the FAQ 137
:homepage: Homepage URL as given in Settings http://www.rdpslides.com/friday/
:homepage.linktext: Homepage link text as given in Settings Main Friday Site
:title: Main FAQ page title as given in Settings Friday 101
:heading: Heading as given in Settings A Friday Tutorial
:bgimage.main: Background image for Main FAQ page as given in Settings  
:bgimage.answer: Background image for Answer pages as given in Settings  
:font.face: Default font face name as given in Settings Arial
:font.size: Font size, as given in Settings (HTML sizes, not points) 3
:mainfaq: Name of the main FAQ page html file index.html
:date: Current system date (at time HTML is generated) 4/30/2009
:time: Current system time (at time HTML is generated) 9:25:16 PM
:metakeywords: Keywords that describe your FAQ (primarily for search engines) Keywords you entered by choosing FAQ, Keywords
:metadescription: Description of your FAQ (primarily for search engines) Description you entered by choosing FAQ, Description

Filename: FAQ00106.htm
Last edited on 11/1/2004 1:45:23 AM

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