date, time; editdate; createdate

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:date:,:time:,:editdate:,:createdate: The date and time (at the time you generate HTML for the current question/answer; the last-edited date of the current question; the date the FAQ entry was originally created


HTML for this page was created on :date: at :time:
The answer was last edited on :editdate:
The FAQ was originally added on :createdate:


HTML for this page was created on 4/30/2009 at 9:25:16 PM
The answer was last edited on 4/30/2009 9:24:43 PM
The FAQ was originally added on 4/31/2009

How/When you'd use it
When you want to include last-update information in your FAQ pages.

Friday records the date and time you last created HTML for the full FAQ here:

LastDate=1/7/2003 9:24:47 PM

Text specified for NewText will appear where the :newtext: placeholder appears in the main faq IF the edit date of the question is later than the last date HTML was generated.

You can use this to "flag" new entries to your FAQ if you like.

By editing LastDate, you can force Friday to treat all entries (or no entries) as new (but note that you'll have to edit it each time you generate HTML)

If you remove the NEWTEXT= entry in FRIDAY.FQA or make it blank, Friday will ignore it.

Note: similar to the editdate placeholder, createdate lets you insert the date the FAQ entry was created.

Note: #058;createdate: is new to Friday as of April 2009. FAQ entries created prior to this will not have stored a create date. You can manually add it by editing the FAQ file, if you like.

Find the section [CreateDates] and beneath it add:


xxxxx and yyyyy are the numbers of the FAQ entries you're adding.
The date isn't validated in any way and in fact can be any text you like. As you may have noticed in the example above. ;-)

Filename: FAQ00120.htm
Last edited on 4/30/2009 9:24:43 PM

Naturally, all content & site maintenance by

Friday The Automatic FAQ Maker