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Contact Microsoft: suggestions, wishes, lost product keys, lost or broken CDs and DVDs

Lost Product Key

If it is a retail sofware version contact Microsoft at (800) 360-7561

If you're outside the US, see this site

If the software came preinstalled on your PC (OEM version) then you'll need to contact the computer manufacturer for a replacement key.

Lost CD or DVD

If you have a valid product key for Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 and need to reinstall, visit Download, backup, or restore Office products

For older products, here's some older information from Microsoft; it may no longer be valid, but it's worth a try:

If you need a replacement CD or replacement DVD because your original is lost or damaged, see Microsoft Press CD-ROM and Floppy Disk Replacement Policy

Microsoft Sales at 800.360.7561 number may be able to help with replacement CD/DVDs as well.

Here are some other options to try:

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware

How to replace a lost or damaged Microsoft Office product key

Suggestions, wishes, complaints

Microsoft has a habit of setting up email addresses and web sites for customer contact, then abandoning them. We'll try to keep the information here up-to-date but if the links don't work ... business as usual at Microsoft.

At the moment, we have no links ... MS has already deleted the last one we had.

You may also try Microsoft Sales: 800-426-9400

Did this solve your problem? If so, please consider supporting the PPT FAQ with a small PayPal donation.
Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape Contents © 1995 - 2022 Stephen Rindsberg, Rindsberg Photography, Inc. and members of the MS PowerPoint MVP team. You may link to this page but any form of unauthorized reproduction of this page's contents is expressly forbidden.

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Contact Microsoft: suggestions, wishes, lost product keys, lost or broken CDs and DVDs
Last update 05 August, 2014