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Update charts and worksheets in a running presentation from Access data (by Naresh Nichani and Brian Reilly)

This very cool solution from Access MVP Naresh Nichani and PowerPoint MVP Brian Reilly uses the Office 2003 Spreadsheet and Chart Web Components to create lightweight worksheets and charts you can embed on a slide and update from external data almost instantly.

Get the code and example files

We can update a MS-PowerPoint presentation with data from an MS-Access database using some simple VBA code.

The downloadable zip file (UPDATE_PPT_FROM_ACCESS_DATA.ZIP) includes documentation in MS Word format, a presentation "Sales PPT.ppt" and a MS-Access database "Demo.mdb". This demo will update the presentation with data from the Access database.


This assumes that Office 2003 and MS Office Web Components are installed.

If you have Office 2003 but don't see the Spreadsheet Object listed, re-run Setup, choose Custom Install and install Web Components.

Office 2007 no longer includes Web Components, so if your code must run on a wider variety of Office installations, consider adapting this code to update embedded Excel Spreadsheets, Excel Charts and MSGraph Charts rather than Web Components.

See Update embedded charts and worksheets in a running presentation from Access data (Naresh Nichani and Brian Reilly) to learn how to update embedded Excel worksheets, Excel charts and MSGraph charts.

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Update charts and worksheets in a running presentation from Access data (by Naresh Nichani and Brian Reilly)
Last update 07 June, 2011