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Share a presentation on the web

At the moment, this is simply a test page. Once we learn more about how/how well it works for others, we'll update the how-to part of it.

But for now, the links:

From within PPT 2019
I first saved the file to my personal OneDrive account, then chose File | Share (I could also have clicked the Share icon just under the X on the ribbon). I chose both an Edit link and a View-only link.

This link should allow you to view and edit the presentation

This is the VIEW-ONLY link.

PowerPoint tells me that "Anyone with this link can see the documents you share but not edit them." Which begs the question of whether or not the document can be downloaded.

And in fact, the file CAN be downloaded or saved to OneDrive, so "not edit them" is ... I believe the technical term is either "Marketing Hype" or "Outright BS".

And in any case, it doesn't work. I actually CAN edit the presentation after following that link. Ah, but that's because I tested the link above first and Firefox has cached the page. Somebody remind me again why I even bother testing this stuff in Firefox? The same URL in a fresh copy of Chrome works as expected ... no editing.


Then I logged into the same OneDrive account that I'd just saved the file to and ... nada. It's not there. Thank you, OneDrive.

So I copied the file from my desktop, where I'd also saved it, to a new Embedded_Presentations folder in OneDrive (again, a personal account).

I right-clicked the file in OneDrive, chose EMBED and in the pane that opened on the right, clicked Generate. It says "Note: Anyone who visits the blog or webpage with this embedded file will be able to view it without signing in." No mention of whether the file will be editable or downloadable.

Here's the resulting link:

The file is downloadable.

Then I right-clicked the file and chose SHARE. In the resulting window I chose Copy link.
This also gave me a link, with the note that "Anyone with the link can edit".
Here's that link

In the same window, you can click a greater-than symbol to get more options, one of which is to allow viewing but not editing.
Here's the link that results when I do that.

It opens in PPT/Web, and allows me to download, save to OneDrive, open in desktop PowerPoint ... and in general, edit in any way I like, other than directly on the web. Again, I call BS.

If I open the "Anyone can edit" link above, it opens in PowerPoint for Web. From there I can choose File | Share | Embed, which gives me several options as to the display size. Here's the result when I choose 350x221:

The other options appear to change only the width= and height= parameters in the resulting HTML.

And here are the results from some earlier tests; ignore them for now.

A link created in OneDrive

A link created in the web version of PowerPoint

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Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape Contents © 1995 - 2022 Stephen Rindsberg, Rindsberg Photography, Inc. and members of the MS PowerPoint MVP team. You may link to this page but any form of unauthorized reproduction of this page's contents is expressly forbidden.

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Share a presentation on the web
Last update 07 December, 2020
Created: 12 October, 2020