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Acrobat appends web links to my PDF instead of opening the link

If you click on a web link while viewing a PDF in Acrobat, it will probably attempt to download the linked html page, convert it to PDF and append it to the PDF document you're viewing.

To launch the linked web page in a browser, Ctrl+Click the link instead of clicking it.

To change make this your default:

Choose Edit, Preferences, Web Capture.
Change the "Open Weblinks" option to "In Web Browser" instead of "In Acrobat".

Acrobat will now launch web pages in the browser when you click the link (but you can Shift+Click the link to append the page to your PDF as before or Ctrl+Click to open the web page as a new PDF)

Hint: If the cursor becomes a hand with a W when you hover the mouse pointer over the link, Acrobat will launch the web link in your browser. If the cursor becomes a + sign, Acrobat will append the page to your PDF. If it becomes a blank document sheet, Acrobat will open the web link as a new PDF.

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