HTML Validators and Optimizers

Even though your pages look good in your browser, that's no guarantee that they'll look or behave the same when somebody else views them. You can (and probably should) test them in several common browsers, but you might also consider running at least some sample pages through one of the available HTML validators.

W3C Validators:
CSS Validator from
HTML Validator from


CSE HTML Validator

Web Page Purifier

An amazing collection of validators at

Bobby assesses the accessibility of your pages and offers in-depth reports complete with suggestions for improvements. You can send Bobby a single page at a time over the web or download it to run on your own computer so you can test your entire site.

Apps that optimize HTML in one way or another:
HTML Shrink
HTML (Un)Compress by Jan Jacobs, available from various shareware archives

HTML Tags - Reference Lists Back to RDP Web Resources Link Checkers

Content & site maintenance by

Friday The Automatic FAQ Maker