Excel code to modify Excel chart palette colors
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Explicit
Sub Create_Excel_Palette_By_RGB()
'Developers: Brian Reilly, Naresh Nichani
'Purpose: Assigns the RGB value to each of 56 colors available to Excel.
'Special Notes: The Excel index values are not in logical order in Excel 97 and 2000 and 2002.
'The index values as follows work row by row from the top and left to right within each row.
'The first row from left to right
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(1) = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(53) = RGB(12, 12, 12) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(52) = RGB(13, 13, 13) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(51) = RGB(14, 14, 14) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(49) = RGB(15, 15, 15) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(11) = RGB(16, 16, 16) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(55) = RGB(17, 17, 17) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(56) = RGB(0, 0, 255) 'swatch 8 from left
'The second row from left to right
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(9) = RGB(21, 21, 21) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(46) = RGB(22, 22, 22) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(12) = RGB(23, 23, 23) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(10) = RGB(24, 24, 24) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(14) = RGB(25, 25, 25) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(5) = RGB(26, 26, 26) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(47) = RGB(27, 27, 27) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(16) = RGB(28, 28, 28) 'swatch 8 from left
'The third row
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(3) = RGB(31, 31, 31) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(45) = RGB(32, 32, 32) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(43) = RGB(33, 33, 33) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(50) = RGB(34, 34, 34) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(42) = RGB(35, 35, 35) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(41) = RGB(36, 36, 36) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(13) = RGB(37, 37, 37) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(48) = RGB(38, 38, 38) 'swatch 8 from left
'The fourth row
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(7) = RGB(41, 41, 41) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(44) = RGB(42, 42, 42) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(6) = RGB(43, 43, 43) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(4) = RGB(44, 44, 44) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(8) = RGB(45, 45, 45) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(33) = RGB(46, 46, 46) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(54) = RGB(47, 47, 47) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(15) = RGB(48, 48, 48) 'swatch 8 from left
'The fifth row
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(38) = RGB(51, 51, 51) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(40) = RGB(52, 52, 52) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(36) = RGB(53, 53, 53) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(35) = RGB(54, 54, 54) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(34) = RGB(55, 55, 55) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(37) = RGB(56, 56, 56) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(39) = RGB(57, 57, 57) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(2) = RGB(58, 58, 58) 'swatch 8 from left
'The sixth row The first default row for charts
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(17) = RGB(61, 61, 61) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(18) = RGB(62, 62, 62) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(19) = RGB(63, 63, 63) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(20) = RGB(64, 64, 64) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(21) = RGB(65, 65, 65) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(22) = RGB(66, 66, 66) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(23) = RGB(67, 67, 67) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(24) = RGB(68, 68, 68) 'swatch 8 from left
'The seventh row. The second default row for charts
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(25) = RGB(71, 71, 71) 'swatch 1 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(26) = RGB(72, 72, 72) 'swatch 2 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(27) = RGB(73, 73, 73) 'swatch 3 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(28) = RGB(74, 74, 74) 'swatch 4 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(29) = RGB(75, 75, 75) 'swatch 5 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(30) = RGB(76, 76, 76) 'swatch 6 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(31) = RGB(77, 77, 77) 'swatch 7 from left
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(32) = RGB(78, 78, 78) 'swatch 8 from left
End Sub
Sub Fill_Color_Sample_Table()
'Developer: Brian Reilly
'Purpose: Assigns the RGB value to each of 56 colors available to Excel to a Table on Sheets("Color Samples")
'Special Notes: The Excel index values are out of order in Excel 97 and 2000.
'The index values as follows work row by row from the top and left to right within each row.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Color Samples").Activate
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
Call Fill_Color
End Sub
Function Fill_Color()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 8
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = ActiveCell.Value
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
Next i
End Function
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