PowerPoint Add-in to delete selected content: TagErase
Teachers and others who distribute their presentations to others often need to maintain two versions of each presentation
- One for their own use
- Another, for distribution, with notes, answers or other "presenter's eyes only" content removed
That can lead to a lot of boring, error-prone and ... now! ... totally unnecessary work.
Our free TagErase add-in allows you to maintain one presentation that has certain content marked as "Not for distribution". When you're ready to distribute your presentation, TagErase deletes all the "secret" content.
TagErase has three options:
- Tag the selected shape or shapes - to mark them for later deletion
- UnTag the selected shape or shapes - in case you change your mind and decide NOT to delete the shapes
- Delete all tagged shapes - deletes any shapes you've tagged
You should always save a copy of your presentation under a new name before deleting the tagged shapes. When you choose this option, TagErase reminds you to save your presentation and gives you a chance to change your mind.
Once you click "OK" TagErase deletes the tagged shapes and they're gone. Permanently.
How to install TagErase
- Right-click this link and choose Save target As (or if you use a browser other than MSIE, use your browser's command to save the target linked file)
- Save TAGERASE.PPA to your Windows Desktop. TAGERASE.PPA is less than 100kb.
- Start PowerPoint and choose Tools, Macro, Security. Set your macro security to Medium or Low. If you don't do this, PowerPoint won't allow TagErase to install
- Choose Tools, Addins. Click Add New then browse to your Desktop or wherever you stored TAGERASE.PPA and select it.
- After a second or two, you'll see a new TagErase toobar and TagErase appears on the main PowerPoint menu bar.
- Click Close to dismiss the Addins dialog box
That's it. You're ready to start using TagErase.
To mark content for later deletion, select a shape or shapes and click the Tag button on the TagErase toolbar or choose TagErase, Tag from the main menu bar.
If you change your mind, select the shape or shapes again and click the UnTag button or choose TagErase, UnTag from the main menu bar.
When you're ready to distribute your presentation, SAVE IT UNDER A NEW NAME then click the Delete Tagged Shapes button or choose TagErase, Delete Tagged Shapes from the main menu bar.
If you later need to change your presentation, simply start with the original, make any edits you want, tag or untag the new content as needed, then create a new presentation for distribution just as before.