Package for CD breaks links, loses animations in my 2007 presentation file
When you use Package for CD in 2007 you lose hyperlinks and/or animations. PowerPoint MVP Lucy Thomson explains why and what to do about it.
If you do not need to include the viewer on the CD, click 'Options' in the Package for CD dialogue box and select 'Archive Package'.
The 2007 viewer is included automatically when you use Package for CD. Unfortunately, for the viewer to be able to play the presentation it must be in the 97-2003 file format so PowerPoint automatically 'down saves' your file.
Without telling you.
This means text with new effects applied is converted to a picture (thus losing your beautifully constructed animations) and the old 'limited amount of hyperlink information' problem kicks in (thus messing up your beautifully constructed hyperlinks).
For more on the "limited amount of hyperlink information" problem, see Lost hyperlinks, hyperlinks link to wrong place, hyperlinks stop working