Can't type notes into the Notes Text pane in Normal view, scrollbar jumps to top in slide thumbnail pane
When you're in Normal view, you click in the Notes Text pane to type some text but either nothing appears when you type or the "focus" jumps back to the slide pane. In any case, you're unable to type notes text.
You may also find that the scrollbar in the slides thumbnail pane keeps jumping to the top on its own.
Luckily, this is something you can fix yourself. Your computer is not possessed, no need to call in the clergy.
For an immediate workaround to the notes text problem, switch to Notes view and type your notes text there.
If you want to avoid switching views each time, try this:
Use Task Manager to end the AWARE.EXE process.
And thanks to PPT MVP John Wilson for the details:
AWARE.EXE is part of the Smart Board software from Smart Tech, who is aware that it can cause this problem.
Here's a quote from IT Professional forum where the solution appeared:
"To let you know, terminating the SMART Board Tools.exe process will also terminate Aware.exe (which is what causes this problem with PowerPoint) among other SMART Processes. SMART Board Tools.exe starts up other processes along with Aware.exe.
Instead of terminating SMART Board Tools.exe which terminates the other processes with it, you would just need to terminate Aware.exe to see that it is in fact Aware.exe that is the culprit.
Our developers are aware of this problem and will be in the process of correcting this in a later Update / Release of SMART Product Drivers. I am not sure which release will have this software correction."