Reset the size of the slide images on notes pages to a single standard size
You have a collection of slides with notes page slide images of different sizes. You'd like them all to be reset to the same size.
This macro will pick up the size of the slide image on the Notes Master and reset the size of the slide image on each of the Notes Pages to match.
Sub ResetNotesPageSlideSizes() ' resets the size of the slide placeholder on notes pages ' to the size specified in the notes master Dim dheight As Double Dim dwidth As Double Dim dTop As Double Dim dLeft As Double Dim oSlideShape As Shape Dim x As Long Dim oSl As Slide With ActivePresentation.NotesMaster ' Find the slide shape, get its size/position For x = 1 To .Shapes.Count If .Shapes(x).Type = msoPlaceholder Then Debug.Print .Shapes(x).Name & vbTab & .Shapes(x).PlaceholderFormat.Type If .Shapes(x).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Then Set oSlideShape = .Shapes(x) dheight = oSlideShape.height dwidth = oSlideShape.width dTop = oSlideShape.Top dLeft = oSlideShape.Left Set oSlideShape = Nothing End If End If Next End With For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides ' find the slide shape on the notes page With oSl For x = 1 To oSl.NotesPage.Shapes.Count If .NotesPage.Shapes(x).Type = msoPlaceholder Then If .NotesPage.Shapes(x).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Then Set oSlideShape = .NotesPage.Shapes(x) oSlideShape.height = dheight oSlideShape.width = dwidth oSlideShape.Top = dTop oSlideShape.Left = dLeft Set oSlideShape = Nothing End If End If Next End With Next ' slide End Sub
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