Convert commas in slide titles to a "safe" character to avoid hyperlink problems
When PowerPoint creates links from one slide to another, it includes several bits of information in the link and separates them with commas. Unfortunately, one of the bits of information is the title of the slide the link points to. If this title also includes a comma, PowerPoint will break the link.
Excel MVP Andy Pope came up with a brilliant suggestion: don't use commas. Use a character that LOOKS like a comma, ALT+0130.
But what if you have lots of slides to link and don't have TIME to replace all those characters manually? Read on ..
Run this macro on your presentation (or better yet, a COPY of your presentation). It will replace all commas in slide titles with an ALT+0130 (low quotation mark) character, which looks just like a comma to humans. The computer knows it's not a comma and so doesn't break your hyperlinks.
Note: This technique won't work with all fonts. Some fonts may have different characters at the 0130 position; for a quick test, click in the title of one of your slides, hold down the ALT key and type 0130 on the numeric keypad. If you don't get a comma-like character, your current font won't support this method.
Sub ReplaceCommas() ' With a deep bow to Andy Pope who thought this one up ' We're going to replace all commas in titles with ALT+0130, ' the "low quotation mark" character, which looks for all the world like a comma ' but doesn't mess up hyperlinks Dim oSl As Slide Dim oSh As Shape Dim oHl As Hyperlink Dim tmpText1 As String Dim tmpText2 As String Dim tmpText3 As String Dim tmpText4 As String For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides Set oSh = SlideTitle(oSl) If Not oSh Is Nothing Then With oSh.TextFrame.TextRange .Text = Replace(.Text, ",", Chr$(130)) End With End If ' fix up hyperlinks For Each oHl In oSl.Hyperlinks If oHl.Address = "" And oHl.SubAddress <> "" Then If InStr(oHl.SubAddress, ",") > 0 Then ' .SubAddress looks like xx,yy,slide_title ' get the text up to and including the first comma tmpText1 = Mid$(oHl.SubAddress, 1, InStr(oHl.SubAddress, ",")) ' tmpText1 is now "xx," ' strip off the text we just grabbed tmpText2 = Right$(oHl.SubAddress, Len(oHl.SubAddress) - Len(tmpText1)) ' yy,This is the old title ' tmpText2 is now "yy,slide_title" ' get the text up to and including the second comma tmpText3 = Mid$(tmpText2, 1, InStr(tmpText2, ",")) ' tmpText3 is now "yy," ' strip off the text we just grabbed tmpText4 = Right$(tmpText2, Len(tmpText2) - Len(tmpText3)) ' tmpText4 is now "slide_title" ' replace original hyperlink with one w/o commas in title oHl.SubAddress = tmpText1 & tmpText3 & Replace(tmpText4, ",", Chr$(130)) End If End If Next oHl Next ' slide End Sub Function SlideTitle(oSl As Slide) As Shape ' returns the title of a slide Dim oSh As Shape For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes If oSh.Type = msoPlaceholder Then If oSh.HasTextFrame Then If oSh.TextFrame.HasText Then If oSh.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderCenterTitle Or _ oSh.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Then ' found it Set SlideTitle = oSh End If End If End If End If Next End Function
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